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Santa Famiglia TV Iniziative ed eventi





Dear brothers and sisters,
                        Hereby I would wish to present to you a proposal that is freely given to all Christians who wish to cooperate for a new evangelization of Europe, together with our mother Mary who brought Jesus to all, and particularly with Mary of Nazareth, Mother of God and ours too.

 If you will share this project, let you send us a mail, with your name and surname

Your adhesion will serve to support the mission

(your data will be only used to this purpose).




A   The indispensable condition of this initiative is to realize, praying to SS Mary, The virgin Mother of God, because Our Lord gives us the manifestation of his strong maternal presence amidst us and she visits here children in Europe: That is “Signum Magnum”who brings Jesus.

Let us request the cloistered monasteries for special prayers..

B    The Scope of Mission of Mary of Nazareth:

-  With Mary the new evangelization in Europe !

-    All European Christians live together, the Marian time starting from 150 years of LOURDES (2008) to 100 years of FATIMA (2017).

-    "Per Mariam ad Jesum" ! Mary brings us to Jesus.

C   Useful ways and means for the realization:

The initiative proposed above could be promoted at the level of Europe, involving National Bishops’ Conferences and of both men and women religious and ecclesial movements.

Having a informal opportune contact with higher authorities (Cardinals, Bishops, Presidents of Episcopal conferences, etc), because through them the initiative can easily reach the knowledge of the Holy Father.

D   The Formalities (the first step) for the Realization:

-     The superiors could encourage and permit explicitly all those who wish to work for this mission with their blessing and approval.

-     An establishment of a centre and office (1-2 or3 persons in-charge as ready sensitization) which could serve as immediate via media (via E-mail), principally both men and women religious could initiate and then make other dioceses, parishes, and the ecclesial movements to involve in it.

-     An official letter from the Secretary to the Episcopal conference in Europe and the conference of Major Religious Superiors could be obtained.

E   Some Concrete Indications:

-    The initiative may include as a sing of (possibly) passing the statue of “Mary of Nazareth”, among the people, which is left with Fransciscans of Nazareth at the end of “peregrination Mariae Mondiale” (from8th March 1998- Christmas 1999).

-    The Bishop’s conference of Europe on their part could request a statue of Mary of Nazareth from the custodian father of the Holy Land.

-    The statue “Mary of Nazareth” will stop for a week in every Capital of the New Europe, mainly stopping in the cathedral; but one of the week days of that week it will visit the main marian Shrine in the country.

-     Request may made to the Holy Father from Rome to send his inspiring message to every country during “the week of Evangelization with Mary”, consecrating to Her every person of Europe and finally whole Europe at large.

-     All the countries must live making use of all the means available at Church level, a unique programme like, a day or a week with prayers, singing, teaching, celebrations and consecration and a National committee could prepare a guide book.

-    A team and a Committee should be constituted in every country to-    A team and a Committee should be constituted in every country to respond to the needs of Episcopate and the European Religious could be executive part of the obligation of this Evangelization by European Catholic Comunity. The National Committee should be composed of : a Bishop (president), an effective Coordinator, a man and woman religious, a lay man and woman and one among them could be elected as secretary.

-    The General coordinator (instructed by the suitable authority) must himself principally coordinate, assist and animate the whole initiative. His head office is good that is placed at the International Shrine of Holy House of Loreto (AN).

-    The economical aspect will have recourse to the Providence. In every place free collection can be made. It will look after the printing matters and religious articles related to the Mission of “Mary of Nazareth”. -    The excess offers, gifts will be handed over to the General coordinator and his central governing body, for the charitable work in honor of Mary of Nazareth”.


As it has been realized in preparation for the Great Jubilee of 2000, an extraordinary world “Peregrination Mariae”, blessed by Pope John Paul II. For better understanding and knowledge of the real organization please visit the following web site

www.santafamigliatv.it     > Archivio > Peregrinatio Mariae

In oltre:
              www.missionemariaeuropa.it    for 86 Marian catechesis in various languages  

              www.missionemarianamondiale.it    for the formation of groups MMM (3M)  

              www.mariadinazareth.org    various documentation  

-           A small and practical hand book (in Italian and can be translated into English) will be very useful for the development of Marian week,with the title of “The real secrete of Fatima”, remember that the real secret is simply the consecration to her “Immaculate Heart”. In fact every individual, every category of people and the nations at large can be asked for the consecration to Virgin Mother of God and our Mother, Mary of Nazareth.

-            The initiative is made known, through appropriate ways to Jewish and Muslim religious authorities, so that they can prepare their faithful benevolently to receive the passage of “Mary of Nazareth” our Mother who is loved and venerated by all people and people of all faith.



Working Plan and the Time frame for the Implementation (2009-2017) of


1   From 2009 to 2011 ( World Youth Day in Madrid); duration 2012-2017:

The utilization of the time:

o    To make known the initiative at different levels, preparing in the right way and presenting it to the competent authorities.

o    To inform the Pope about it by the interest of some Bishops and Cardinals for the reception of His blessing.

o    To permit the secretary to make known the initiative for both to propose and to accept membership applications.

o   To present the initiative to the different Bishops’ Conferences in Europe for their approval and if it is approved by them then it is easy for the same National Conference to present the same to the European Bishops’ Conference.

2   G M G of M A D R I D :

-     The initiative M.M. in E, must possibly be inserted to the program GMG or at least it must be made known with the aim of forming the youth for this evangelization.

-     The statue “Mary of Nazareth” (nowadays entrusted to custody of Holy Land) shall be brought eventually to GMG as sign.

-     Preparing the Christian youth to re-evangelize Europe together with Mary.

-     2012 could be the year of preparation in view of “Mission Mary of Nazareth in Europe”.

-     A Text book could be thought of which may contain:

o      Biblical passages from both Old and New Testament related to SS. Mary.

o      Lumen Gentium Chapter 8.

o      Redemptoris Mater of John Paul II.

o      Marialis Cultus of Paul VI.

o      The True Devotion to St. Louis Mary of Monfort.

3    European Bishops’ Conference must give their consent and approval so that the initiative is completely ecclesial and will have its required coordination.

The National Episcopal Conferences in turn, constitute a National Committee and confirm it with appropriate Secretariat.

4    It could be established as soon as possible The Year of New Evangelization of Europe with Mary: the proposed year could be 2013.

-     A suitable time table and calendar can be prepared for the passage of Mary of Nazareth in the 27 European Capitals.

5    Let us make provision for:

-    A basic bookthat provides inspiration and guidance to all national committee and secretariat for the “Mission Mary of Nazareth in Europe“. In the different countries, the book could be prepared with more specific choices, indicated by particular European Bishops’ Conference maintaining the general settings.

-    Similarly in every country some of the specific terms indicated by Bishops’ conference can be carefully selected.

-    In the same way in every country some specific topics on Marian preachers who are wise and endowed with charismatic nature could be selected in the announcement.

-    A suitable time could be thought for the involvement of all Catholic groups (and also other supporters) presented on the national territory: dioceses, parishes, religious institutes, cloistered, ecclesial movements, associations, radio, TV and internet etc.

-     A spiritual bank could be opened in view of collecting prayer intentions (bids):

-     Rosaries, hours of adoration, Holy Mass (can be attended during weekdays) also Chaplet of Divine Mercy.

-     Possibly this spiritual bank could be run by a cloistered monastery.

6    The greatest grace shall again be received from Mary of Nazareth, Jesus, our only Savior, who is brought to us in her womb “Virgin made Church”.

7    The living experience that we have in Europe shall be transmitted to other Continents, for the new Evangelization with Mary of Nazareth all over the world:

-      Year 2014 in America

-      Year 2015 in Africa

-      Year 2016 in Asia

-      Year 2017 in Australia (January – April)

-      Year 2017 on 13th May in FATIMA

                    Then in the Holy Land



Programme or Plan for the “Mission of Mary of Nazareth in Europe”

1 - Year of preparation (2012)

The missionaries (laity, religious and priests) prepare on the textbook “in Mary” (already everything is on the web site www.mariadinazareth.org, click on “Italian”. You could also find the same in different languages indicated. Everyone could translate from the original Italian text into one’s own proper languages, on the importance of the basis of catechism of the Catholic Church etc, of course all the reality of the Catholic Church is indicated in the book “in Mary”.


2 - Y E A R 2 0 1 3 : year of

M I S S I O N   M a r y    o f    N a z a r e t h   i n    E U R O P E



with some essential indications for the

M a r i a n         W e e k  



Sunday:               Welcoming of Mary of Nazareth.

Monday:             Reflection on theme of Catechism: SS. Mary and the Church.

Tuesday:             Theme: Holiness in my Church. The Saints of my Land. My Christian roots.

Wednesday:        SS. Mary in her Shrine (Visit to national marian shrine). Nazionale).

Theme: The consecration to the Lord Jesus through SS.Mary.

Day of both men and women religious. 

Thursday:           Theme: SS. Mary and Priests, Priestly day.

Friday:                Penitential day for the whole country.

Theme: “Have mercy upon us o Lord, we have sinned”.nbsp;

Healing and comforting prayer.

Day for the sick and suffering.

Sabato:                The Day of Mary.

Theme: the prayer, a day of youth and families. 

Several acts of consecration to Our Lady (individuals, families, cities, ..).

Domenica:           The feast of Our Lord Jesus with her Mother and of us all.

Act of Consecration of the Country to Our Lady.

Video-message of the Holy Father from Rome.


So it is suggested by

the present coordinator of the

“Mission Mary of Nazareth in Europe”

P. Giovanni Maria Leonardi, ofmcap



Missione Mariana Mondiale

Santa Famiglia TV

Via Marconi, 30 - 60025 LORETO (AN) - Italia

Tel e Fax: (39) 071 – 75.01.508

E mail: info@santafamigliatv.it - Web: www.santafamigliatv.it


Loreto 22 August 2009 Blessed Virgin Mary Queen

Every year on this date, all European countries can renew properly their own


Every country could insert inside the European flag the face of Our Lady of the National Shrine.


PLEASE NOTE : If you wish to share this “Initiative M of N in E”, please send us an e_mail.

                 Please pray and do pray for the cloistered monasteries.




Via G. MARCONI, 30 - 60025 LORETO (AN)     Tel. 071.7501508     Fax 071.7501508     C.F. 93123200425

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